Portal de Campos del Rio


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detail of Campos del Rio


The bus is already arriving at the Campos del Río prison (20/07/2020)

| The prison chaplaincy had been claiming a stop next to the prison for eight years | Until today, the relatives of the inmates in the Murcia II Penitentiary Center in Campos del Río who did not have their own vehicle had to walk 4.5 kilometers to the prison, since there was no bus stop near the center.

Among the groups that have insisted for years on the need for this stop is the prison pastoral chaplaincy, specifically one of their chaplains, Antonio Sánchez, who this morning was present at the inauguration of that stop that the general director of Mobility has made and Litoral, Marina Munuera.Concerned about this need, members of the prison chaplaincy began in 2012 to collect signatures to request this service.

Later, in conversation with other entities, which are present in this prison, a manifesto was signed demanding a bus stop next to the center.

"Human rights were being violated, the Government cannot provide a service without fully guaranteeing its provision.

There are many families with limited economic resources who have given up seeing their imprisoned family members weekly for not being able to afford the trip to prison, ”says the priest, who usually picked up many people in her car to bring them to this center.As the penitentiary centers of the Ministry of the Interior depended, the authorization of a stop next to the enclosure was a state competence.

After permission, the regional government has launched this service, which will operate daily.

The bus will leave every day, from the Murcia bus station, at 8:00 and 15:00; and will return from prison to Murcia at 1:30 p.m.

and 8:00 p.m.

The ticket price is 2.50 euros (5 euros, round trip)."The inmates are very happy that this service finally exists, because they will be closer to their families," stresses the chaplain, who also assures that this "good news has been achieved by the claim of the chaplaincy, but also of the management of the prison itself, which has requested it for years without any results ”.

A petition that other entities that work in prison have also supported, such as the Beto Association, the Parenthesis Collective, Cepaim, Solidarity for Development, the Hombre Project, Caritas, the Diagrama Foundation and the Oblates. 

Source: Obispado de Cartagena

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