Microcredits, suspension of evictions and six-month extensions in the rent payment.
We explain to you who and how you can request the aid approved by the Government in the matter of rent.After several weeks with economic activities to a minimum, layoffs and Temporary Employment Regulation Files (ERTE) due to the health crisis facing the country, many people cannot afford to pay the rent for their home.
The Government, by royal decree-law, has approved a package of measures "to help minimize the economic and social impact of Covid-19".Who can access the rental aids?The aid program approved by the Executive will not be open to everyone, only those who are in a situation of economic and social vulnerability due to the health emergency caused by Covid-19.To access the rental aid, the tenant must meet all the requirements, depending on their situation, which are detailed below:Unemployed people, in an ERTE, who have had to reduce their working hours due to care or any other similar circumstance that involves a substantial loss of income.
Self-employed workers whose incomes have been reduced during the health crisis are also eligible for this aid.What requirements must be fulfilled?The economic requirements that the family unit must meet, in the month prior to the request, are:Comply with the limit of three times the monthly Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator (IPREM), which the Government has set at 537.84 euros per month.
That is, in a family without children, it would be necessary to charge 1,613.52 euros gross per month (€ 537.84 X3) or what is the same: 19,362.24 euros per year in 12 payments or 22,589.28 euros in 14 payments .The limit will be increased by 0.1 times for each child or person over 65 in charge of the family unit.
That is, the annual gross salary would increase to 1,774.87 euros with one more member, 1,936.22 euros in case of two, for example.In the case of single-parent families, the applicable increase per dependent child will be 0.15 times the IPREM for each child.
That is, 1,855.54 euros per month.If any of the members of the family unit has a declared disability greater than 33%, a situation of dependency or illness that renders him or her incapacitatedpermanent to carry out a work activity, the limit will be four times the Iprem (2,151.36 euros gross per month), without prejudice to the accumulated increases per dependent child.The Iprem limit will increase to five times (2,689.2 euros per month) if the tenant is a person with cerebral palsy, mental illness or intellectual disability, with a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent, or a person with physical or sensory disability, with a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 65 percent, as well as in cases of serious illness that renders the person or their caregiver incapable of carrying out a work activity.The rental income, added to the basic expenses and supplies (electricity, gas, diesel for heating, running water, telecommunications and community payment) must represent 35% of the net income of the family unit.Those owners or usufructuaries of a home in Spain will not be able to access the aid.
With the exception that they only have a part of it by inheritance or, who, being owners, prove the unavailability of it by: separation or divorce, cause beyond their control or when the house is inaccessible due to disability.What documents must be presented?If after reading the requirements, you are one of the people who can benefit from the rental aid, these are the papers that you have to present to prove your situation:In a legal situation of unemployment: a certificate issued by the entity that manages the benefits, which shows the monthly amount received as unemployment benefits or subsidies.Due to cessation of activity of own-account workers: by means of a certificate issued by the State Agency for Tax Administration or the competent body of the Autonomous Community, where appropriate, based on the declaration of cessation of activity declared by the interested party.Regarding the number of people living in the habitual residence, it is necessary to present the family book or document accrediting a domestic partner, the certificate of the persons registered in the dwelling (with reference to the time of presentation of the supporting documents already the previous six months).
As well as the declaration of disability, dependency or permanent incapacity to carry out a work activity if necessary.The ownership of the property with a simple note from the index service of the Property Registry of all the members of the family unit to demonstrate that they do not own any home.A responsible statement from the debtor or debtors regarding compliance with the requirements required to be considered without sufficient financial resources.In addition, according to the royal decree-law, tenants who cannot provide any of the documents that accredit them in a legal situation of unemployment or in ownership of a home can replace them with a responsible statement that justifies the reasons, related to the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis.
After the end of the alarm state and its extensions, they will have a month to submit said documents.Where do I submit the documents?The Public State Employment Service (SEPE) has published the instructions to obtain the certificate with which to accredit the personal conditions to access the aid or the rent moratorium (also for mortgages):Access the SEPE Electronic Office and select the link "Obtain a certificate about your service".You can do it by Digital Certificate, electronic DNI and cl @ ve or the "Mobile Phone Pin" option.Finally, choose the option "current benefit certificate".In addition, SEPE reminds that "if you do not have a mobile phone or cannot access Headquarters, the request must be made by phone and certificates will be received by post"What rental grants can I qualify for?If after fulfilling all the requirements, you can prove that you are one of the tenants who cannot afford the rent, these are the measures and aids that you can take advantage of:Suspension of evictions.
All evictions without housing alternatives suspended until six months after the end of the state of alarm.Prórroga extraordinaria en los contratos de alquiler.
Prórroga extraordinaria y automática de seis meses en los contratos de arrendamiento de la vivienda habitual que expiren durante las medidas especiales de confinamiento de la crisis sanitaria.
Se mantendrán los términos y condiciones establecidos para el contrato, por lo que el propietario no podrá subir el alquiler.Microcréditos sin intereses.
El Gobierno junto con el ICO ha aprobado una línea de avales y microcréditos sin gastos ni intereses que podrán devolverse en 6 años, ampliables a 10.
Estas ayudas deben dedicarse íntegramente al pago del alquiler, y podrán cubrir un importe máximo de seis mensualidades.
Además, para aquellos inquilinos que aún así no puedan hacer frente a su alquiler dispondrán de ayudas directas del Estado para poder saldar su deuda (hasta 900 euros al mes y 200 euros de suministros y mantenimiento).Nuevo programa de ayudas que se incorporan al Plan Estatal de Vivienda 2018- 2021 (con el respaldo del ICO).
La cuantía de esta ayuda será de hasta 900 euros al mes y de hasta el 100% de la renta o, en su caso, de hasta el 100% del préstamo que se haya pedido.
Serán los órganos competentes de cada Comunidad Autónoma y de las Ciudades de Ceuta y de Melilla los que determinen la cuantía exacta de estas ayudas, dentro de los límites establecidos para este programa.Distinción entre pequeños y grandes propietarios.
Los pequeños propietarios recibirán la renta de su vivienda de forma íntegra; sin embargo, los grandes tenedores podrán elegir entre: reducir la deuda del inquilino al 50% o reestructurarla en 3 años.En caso de que se reduzca la deuda del inquilino al 50% será durante la duración del estado de alarma y las mensualidades siguientes si no fuera suficiente en relación con la situación de vulnerabilidad provocada por el Covid-19, con un máximo en todo caso de cuatro meses.Si la deuda del inquilino se reestructura con la moratoria del alquiler, se fraccionan las cuotas de la renta durante al menos tres años con la misma temporalidad que la otra opción, y siempre dentro de la vigencia del contrato o sus prórrogas.
La persona arrendataria no tendrá ningún tipo de penalización y las cantidades aplazadas serán devueltas sin intereses.¿Cómo puedo pedir un microcrédito de ayuda al alquiler?Para solicitar un microcrédito, el inquilino tendrá que presentarle a su entidad financiera la documentación requerida por el Gobierno.
Este préstamo irá directamente destinado al pago del alquiler, es decir, «el beneficiario no podrá disponer del dinero físicamente», como ha explicado Dani Cervera, jefe de Nacional de laSexta, en Al Rojo Vivo.A continuación, puedes consultar el Real Decreto-ley 11/2020, de 31 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes complementarias en el ámbito social y económico para hacer frente al Covid-19.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río