Portal de Campos del Rio


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detail of Campos del Rio


Program for the Prevention, Monitoring and Control of School Absenteeism and Reduction of School Dropout (25/02/2020)

The City of Campos del Río has launched the Program for the Prevention, Monitoring and Control of School Absenteeism and Reduction of School Dropout during this 2019/2020 course subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Region of Murcia and the European Social Fund .

The purpose of this program is to promote the involvement of families in their children's school education and raise awareness of the importance of education for the integral development of society.

The prevention of absenteeism and direct attention to absentee students are the two points of intervention during program execution.

To prevent absenteeism, students, parents and teachers will be involved with the performance of alternative activities that foster interest in education and its importance for the life of a person.

In the same way it will be about the processes of current education and its mechanisms to prevent absenteeism.

Among other activities, the program includes the storyteller 'The chick Pimpollito' aimed at students in the 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education, and which aims to encourage students who do not want to go to school by showing them the positive and negative aspects of their attendance, a journalism workshop aimed at students from 1st to 4th grade through which they will design and conduct interviews with well-known people and with studies to assess the importance of education, a workshop on study techniques aimed at students in grades 5 and 6 Primary, whose purpose is to teach them a series of techniques so that they learn to study effectively, as well as training talks aimed at families and teachers.

For direct attention to absentee students, a support workshop for absentee children will be offered to be held in the afternoon and alternative activities.

The cases with the institutes involved will also be monitored.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río

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